
Common Questions

  • Letters and correspondence are addressed to the chief editor of Education Journal, PO Box 9865 Qatar National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.
  • Research papers and articles are subject to adjudication. The author is then informed of the result of adjudication.
  • The author is awarded with a nominal financial reward in case the article is acceptance for publication.
  • Research papers, studies and articles that address issues related to education, culture and science are accepted in hard and soft copies.
  • Articles that deal with political issues or ideological differences are not accept.
  • Reference citation must be observed and citation of Quranic verses and Hadiths (reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Prophet Muhammad).
Yes, and the author is entitled to an approval to publish prior to publishing his/her article. He/she will receive three issues of the Journal after publishing.
No, the Journal is distributed in exchange and as courtesy gifts.
There is a request form to join UNESCO Associated Schools Network. Such form includes a list of all information needed to join the network.
There is educational and cultural payoff from the network's activities on young people and school students. Such activities can be found on our website.

Submit an application to the National Commission; and application that meets conditions and regulations set forth in the agreement signed between the State of Qatar and UNESCO to train new graduates
