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 QNCECS Concludes Qatari Environment Ambassadors Project


(QNA) - Qatar NationalCommission for Education, Culture and Science (QNCECS) celebrated Monday theconclusion of the Qatari Environment Ambassadors project.
The project, held incollaboration with the Alshabhanah Environmental Association, targeted studentsof schools of both the Arab League Educational, Cultural and ScientificOrganization (ALECSO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO).
Addressing the closingceremony at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, QNCECS' ActingSecretary-General Mr. Ali Abdul Razzaq Marafie expressed his appreciation forclaimants of the Qatari Environment Ambassador title.
Mr. Marafie said thatsustainable environmental development is one of the main pillars of QatarNational Vision 2030, stressing the need to find a balance between developmentneeds and environmental protection, through programs, activities and projectsundertaken by various state agencies.
He added that Islamstresses the necessity of preserving the environment and cultural heritage withits intellectual and material components, based on its great role in shapingthe national identity. He also highlighted the Holy Qur'an's explicit calls forreconstructing the earth, not devastating its natural elements.
The QNCECS has been keento develop a leading role in supporting environmental education within theframework of sustainable development, and preserving the national heritage inboth its tangible and intangible parts, Mr. Marafie said, highlighting thetargeted schools' annual executive plans that include programs and competitionson environment aimed at raising awareness among students of the importance ofthe environment and its preservation.
Secretary of theAlshabhanah Environmental Association Ms. Haya Al-Madadi, who supervises theproject, said the project had trained students, aged from 14 to 18, to preservethe environment, by holding awareness workshops and various environmentalactivities.
The training workshops,in cooperation with the Public Works Authority (Ashghal), covered a variety oftopics like plantable pencils, e-waste and school tree planting, as well asvisits to both the Qur'anic Botanic Garden, and visiting the Wadi Park NaturalReserve in Al Wajba East, Ms. Al-Maadadi added.
Launched on the occasionof the Qatar Environment Day, the Qatari Environment Ambassadors project aimsto achieve environmental development, spread environmental culture among Qatariyoung people and prepare the child and youth environmental trainers andeducators to achieve sustainability and consolidate the national identity.​​

Zagel Magazine


<September 2024>


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